Iciio's Bulletins

I have a question/offer !

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by Iciio

WLW Relationship? Yes? No?

9 Votes Yes!!
0 Votes No thanks!

Would perhaps someone be interested in having our characters in a wlw relationship? Honestly just really craving to drawing cute women having a wholesome and green-flag energy relationship.

Would super love one with either Ezili or Cynthia; but I can even make a new character, too. 😊

Selling Small Animations for the Holidays

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by Iciio
If you're interested, I posted this forum thread which has more details dedicated to it and examples.

Meanwhile, I'll be working on other owed art, thanks for everyone's patience!

I've got a Question-

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Iciio


There's this world that I'm working on that surround my characters Atticus and Chrys, along with a few others. For an explanation to what they are, I call their species Carniform, derived from the word canine and the fact that the species can transform from their normal state to a giant wolf (not literally, but much much bigger than they are in reality).

Why I bring this up is because I was wondering if anyone would be interested in creating a character directed to this species and for the world? I needed more villagers, and thought that slightly opening up the species and world to people might be pretty fun!

If you're interested, you can dm or comment below. Feel free to ask any questions, but do keep in mind that it's not fleshed out, it's just a fun thing I wanted to work on :) (Overall, mostly looking for art buddies to draw our ocs interacting)