Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Warning! This profile contains lots of sensitive content! All sensitive content should have a warning on it. If you find content that should have a warning and doesn't, please comment on it and let me know! 

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Steal, copy, trace, or heavily reference any designs, art, or characters.

Sexualize or make NSFW content of any of my characters.

Draw my character without my permission, this has exceptions for if we are friends.

Ship my characters with those besides ones that they are already shipped with. If they are not shipped, don’t ship them.

Offer on a character outside of “Selling” folder.

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You CAN:

Draw my characters without permission if we are friends or know each other.

Ask to draw or make content for one of my characters.

Offer on any character inside the “Selling” folder.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!