Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Even though I have a lot of positive drawings, sometimes I VENT A LOT! Please keep this in mind before you subscribe me, I don't want to irritate you

BLACKLIST : BezowyBebok, TenshiArts, Tofukit/Killstrict/Happymeal, Simo/SimoTakagi

Please don't send the characters I made to these people. 


  • Don't bid on my characters!!! I don't sell characters outside the ''For Sale'' folder
  • Really don't like being called a ''girl''. Yeah... i use she/her, but if you have to say smt to me, please call me ''boy''... Thanks
  • I don't take criticism well. Please don't criticize me or my art. I draw for a fun, I like to do it. I'm progressing at my slow pace.
  • Don't like sexual and zoophilic themes. Please don't send me anything like this, don't offer such art etc.
  • My character profiles may contain nudity, mild sexual scenes, blood and self harming. Everything is censored!

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