[AM] Amonstrife


Amonstrife is a wonderful blend of scifi and fantasy, containing both space ships, interplanetary travel, and dragons. Because it’s fun. The primary story follows Detective Alexis Vela, as she slowly begins to uncover corruption within the police force. But her digging sets things in motion, forced to go on the run with a crime lord (who is her estranged adoptive sister, long story), the pair fight to uncover the depth of the corruption in the world, and save their own skins. Admittedly it doesn’t work out for them since they spark an intergalactic war, but it’s still fun to write!

Kytkins and connected species within the world of can be found at Amonstrife

Kytkins, connected species, and Amonstrife are owned by me InkedMoth

ClubMTT Alcazar Saga amonstrife kytkin shifter MTT Single DroKara IlumDural Yol Iskterra Shifter Human Hybrid Fae Dragon human ilumdural drokara Ilanima