Main Trio

59502707_BLdXTDC84ZxARZv.gif 59493052_YksOWHjX90Hdm5T.gif The main characters of Chaos in Tanasis, the Trio! These silly gay people are the heart and soul of the story, and the story mostly revolves around them, from navigating their romantic relationship, to the challenges they face alongside the rest of the flock- 59493017_xtN3XJBKeCD90J5.gif

59493046_2uBzaKIrQXxkO4l.gif Mmmmm~~ TRAUMMA!!! My FAVORITE!!! <33 59493045_LNxCtUpYjkaFGVJ.gif 59493035_zBYopvX5bzQkxnw.gif?1673190756

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