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On a planet Earth  where the continents never rose from the endless ocean, Manakites  flourish. They are the rulers of the sea, gentle protectors that  camouflage themselves among the smaller fish. Their Earth is magical –  and if there’s ever an emergency, the Manakites will show themselves and  protect the boundless life in their oceans. The world’s molten core has  magma floating out into the seas, where it hardens to rock formations  that never quite reach the surface. A labyrinthine ecosystem full of  colorful fish, whales, sharks, and Manakites shares the oceans as their  habitat, and magic currents flow freely through it all. The magic  carving away the land masses is the main reason the land never rose from  the depths of the blue waters, and it serves to create homes for corals  and other plant life – and, of course, for the fish. Let's dive on in  to meet these rays!