
Long ago, Gemsuns were said to be created from the shattering of a single magical Gem, spreading shards all across the worlds.
It wasn't long until these magical gem shards developed into the beings we know as Gemsuns. It is said that they function as guides to those who are lost because they feel an inner sense of loss themselves, having lost touch with the rest of the fractured pieces that once made them whole.

Gemsuns feel a natural draw towards playing the role of night time guide to those who are lost, or who need to find a quicker route to their destination. They are often found on misty mountain ranges, in wild forests and deep, dark caves, glowing softly in the low light. They have a powerful innate sense of north and south, and always seem to know where they're going - and what's more, they are often capable of locating natural landmarks even if they have no prior knowledge if their whereabouts, as if they are able to sense them through some supernatural means. Their eyes and the gems that comprise their horns, hooves and the clusters on their bodies can be made to glow at will, and function as beacons capable of illuminating even the darkest nights. It's not always common to see a Gemsun during the day, but during the night time they are frequently seen out and about, shining vividly even at a great distance.

[Gemsun owners are not required to follow the world lore at all, and can put their Gemsuns in whatever setting they wish! While I ask that no owner change major physical traits or rarities of their Gemsun, owners are more than welcome to take artistic liberties concerning story/setting, anatomy[particularly regarding gender/sex presentation & muscle/fat distribution], and sociological/behavioral traits to help them better suit their own stories and worlds!]