
Lore of Annies

Long ago...when humans lived together in harmony, accompanied by the powerful yet gentle nature, there was peace. Back then, every human was blessed by the spirits. As long as they kept respecting the spirits and acted as guardians for their respective benefactor, harmony would remain. Disrespecting the spirits was an act of sin and no human could imagine what would happen if they actually did..

But the times changed, humans grew bigger in numbers, nature was tormenting humans to keep the population at bay. Some humans started to feel betrayed by their spirits, as they expected protection from the wrath of nature as long as they respected the spirits back.

Nature was in the way, humans needed to remove the trees and inhabiting animals to make space for their own offspring and future.

Outraged by this disrespectful act, the holy spirits put curses on the humans who had awaken their fury.

Punishment for rebelling against the spirits, was not put on the said humans themselves, but on their future offspring, so they would always have to see their mistakes growing up, bigger and more aware of their parents mistake every single day.

It was the cruelest thing that could happen to a human. Abandonment by the spirits and their blessings, seeing their children grow up with less strength, yield magic and to have the label of a sinner, made the humans not only isolate themselves in shame, but also be shunned away by the previous blessed humans.

As the humans who kept working in harmony with their spirits did not want to be associated with the traitors of nature, they no longer wanted to be seen as a regular human anymore.

And the humans who desperately tried to rise from shame, stand for their actions and are still prideful for being them, did not want to be associated with the judging blessed humans who did not want to understand reason.

"Spirit humans"  and "Blessed humans"sounded too kind and regal, the term "Animal Humans" then came to rise to put the humans blessed by the spirits down.

But instead of being insulted by the regular humans' attempts to put them down, they bowed down and replied with;

"Yes, we are humans, blessed by the spirits such as animals, plants and all living things. We are the ones who respect our nature. We are now to be called animal humans. With respect for our ancestors, we see no shame.

We are Annies."

cs sea soul sea soul vert blanc jaune bleu noir Sea soul violet marron rouge eoe gris wanderer orange seasoul of eyes of ether