Internetwolfje's Bulletins


Posted 11 months, 19 days ago by Internetwolfje


I might not be able to attack/revenge attack everyone this year! But I will try my best! (Mental health struggles are making me struggle this year but I’ll still try to participate!) 

Getting blocked

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Internetwolfje

I’ve been getting blocked quite a lot lately after commenting on the free art forum. (Okay it was only twice but still weird ^^;  )

I’m wondering if I did something wrong or if something on my account is offensive?

I really wish the people who blocked me told me why >~< I don’t wanna break any rules or make anyone uncomfortable so if that happens I like to be told to avoid the same happening in the future

So pls if you notice something odd on my account let me know! I really want everyone to be able to look through my account without being triggered, uncomfortable or offended

Raffle (not mine!)

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago by Internetwolfje

VictoryDrawsManga is hosting another fun raffle! To join, check out the rules in the link below!

Wanna support all their awesome work? Check out their commissions down here!

Share your art fight accounts!

Posted 2 years, 10 days ago by Internetwolfje

I’ll most likely partake in art fight again this year! Last year was a lot of fun! Feel free to share your account with me and I’ll give you a follow

If anyone would be interested to know this is my account ^^ 

Shameless self promo!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Internetwolfje

Hello there! Yes you! Like my art and/or characters? Do you like furry stuff? Well then check out my insta! 

Now onto an actual post haha. I’m trying to get to 400 followers on my instagram before my birthday (9th of may). And I’m almost there! Pls only follow me if my posts seem fun to you though ^^ As much as I appreciate a new follower I also want my followers to actually like my post (not as in press the like button but as in my posts seem fun to you or they make you happy) 

My instagram is a safe place for (almost*) everyone! And is open to everyone besides people that purposely cause harm to others. My dms are also always open and I’m a lot more active there than I am on toyhouse ^^ 

My content mostely consists out of art and fursuit pictures. (Also occasionally raffle posts but those don’t count as actual content haha) 

*The reason I say almost is because pedophiles, racists, homophobes, zoophiles etc. Are not welcome

Too many ocs!?

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Internetwolfje

Okay soooo I decided to push the... ‘view all’ button. I apparently have 13 pages of ocs! I feel kinda guilty because that seems a bit much... is there something as having too many ocs/designs? A lot of them are stuck in the ‘redesigning’ or ‘writing’ fase but I don’t see myself giving them away.

I always give designs away when I lost connection to them but I still have so many... is that a bad thing? I try getting them all art and try to give them all attention but when you have so many some of them just... sit there

Idk I kinda want a second opinion on this... because I myself hate seeing characters rot in toyhouses and hoards and I really don’t wanna be a terrible hoarder that doesn’t care about the designs I own.

Animation raffle (nm)

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Internetwolfje