Touch of the Abyss

The universe has been divided by Five Realms for more time than any mortal can remember.

Heaven, where the guardians of all that's pure watch.
Hell, home for the wicked and their punishers.
The Underworld, refuge for the deceased before their judgement.
The Overworld, home of the mortals who, even if weak, decide which gods get to rule the world.
And the Shadow Realm, living under the Overworld as mere observers.

Arcadia, realm of Peace, has been long silent, and the realms have been fighting in a clash since the beggining of time, in a war they no longer can afford to maintain; two unknown forces have proven themselves a menace for the stability of the universe, and more than one individual are willing to use that turmoil in their favor to rule their world as they please.

PURGE OFF LIMITS CLOSED dragon male anthro female demon TENT wof humanoid wolf alien human cryptid uft fantasy trade creature masseffect