
The Returent tumblr_oa1naybzN31travyco4_540.gifv

A group of all races (including humans) who revolt against King Cislo who has oppressed all in his kingdom who are not humans. They fight for their freedom and for others who cannot fight. Thankfully, they have enough strategy to be gaining some victories but due to alliances with the king, their chance of freedom is a slim shot.

 Vengeful   Stealthy   Community   Hope 

The gods 9061e54ba5ca7f285a991ff2e0308a16b446ce6c

The ethereal beings pulling all the strings behind the scenes.  Whether standing on the sidelines per say or being an active role, they all play an important role in the lives of the mortals they watch. They live close to the Creators but are not aware of their existence and are inferior to their strength.

 Mighty   Authority   Omnipresent   Devious 

Universe 673 (Falwell) 46e42fa9173e403adfb53557ccfce34eca8d8f4d

The alternate reality Tempest was thrown into where everything is the same but with some differences. The corrupt king from the Reterunt is now a queen, it's now humans being oppressed, and a mysterious girl was found in the forest. Not knowing what this world could throw at these characters is very much an underlying threat.

 Familiar   Unexplored   Alternate   Strange 

Universe Charten ImprobableDampAntarcticgiantpetrel-max-1

A universe, but in Sparx's mind, a home. This is the dwelling place of an imp-like Creator with a taste for mischief. Only someone as chaotic as Sparx could see this place as a fitting home with its changing weather and intense storms. Found in between all universes and a place not many can reach. Not many come here but when they do, they might need some flash flood warning signs or ash rain indicators to make it through this world. 

 Amidst   Intense   Unpredictable  Home 

The Sioux clan 2mDd.gif

A group of Elves found hidden among the dense forest of Galven. What once was a peaceful town of refugees has become something similar to the kingdom they were trying to escape. Newcomers are not welcomed in, and if any humans are spotted they are never seen again.

 Disheveled   Corrupt   Hidden   Resettlement 

old characters 173716209old-book-pages-turning-black-wh

Here lies the characters from my old incomplete story. These characters were part of a Pokémon based story or just any other thing that I still have on this website. Enjoy my old art :)

 My   Old   Story  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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