Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


dacgjfa-794379e2-95f8-42e0-85dc-72b51321Hi there!dacgjfa-794379e2-95f8-42e0-85dc-72b51321
This profile contains mentions and possible depictions of

Dark Humour


Mental Illness


Self Harm


Blood / Gore



Child Abuse


Drug Use

This isn't for every character individually, just what some character stories might include.
Viewer discretion is advised; Use your decision-making power to decide if it's something you're okay with!
Characters that have such warnings will still have a warning on their page, this is a general indicator for the profile itself. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ
〈 It goes without saying but just because I've written about harmful subjects doesn't mean I agree with them & they are portrayed as bad with deeper levels to it! 〉
dacgj74-545ac84e-8dec-4e78-9ec4-d834fbcdThank you for reading 'n' take care :] ♡dacgj74-545ac84e-8dec-4e78-9ec4-d834fbcd

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