JEME_artist's Profile Comments

Howdy dowdy stranger ;)

Stranger?? >:0 *Le gasp* I'm offended ùwú jk jk- But hi! Been a while!

But i am though, i am very strange heheheh >:3 All good just tired 24/7, being lazy, nothing really new and exciting tbh lmao. You?

Alike with the tired tbh, finishing my studies around march 2024 hopefully! And working on my gender transition / surgeries still ^-^ So not lazy, more too much to do and time fucking flies- I hope you're doing alright tho! Aside the tiredness <3

Oh dang to the transition, it'll be rea; :0 I think im just tired from working 7 days a week tbh. But hey ho, money dont grow on trees sadly UnU. But yeah, just mid life crisis on decorating my room, wanting to get into earring making and still wanting to make plushies buuuuuuuuuuut as always the lack of any space to start all that as i cant fit any furniture in my room besides a bed - which is broken and i have been sleeping on the floor for 9 months lol.

Yee, I had my topsurgery december 2022, and I'll be one year on testosteron 13 oct!! :D But oof yea, that sounds like a lot of stuff you gotta deal with and a big fuss with the space ye :( I'm sorry for ya... But making earring or even jewellery in general sounds like fun! I hope you can figure something out <3 And hopefully get a new bed soon :')