Jack_Daniels's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Jack_Daniels

Hey everyone!
Sorry about the weird absence all of the sudden.
I've been preparing for college as of late so i haven't had time to draw

I promise to finish eveything as soon as i can 

art tiem

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Jack_Daniels

I should just do an art spree and draw all my fursonas cause i haven't in like literal years and i only have old art
from seven years ago LOL. Thinkin of drawing Cypher and Xavier mainly but idk for sure just yet.

Hopefully then people can see that my art is good and i can trade characters--

Les goooooo 


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Jack_Daniels

Hi there! I am new to this site so bare with me ^^'

If you are curious about my characters (mainly fursonas) I have had them for a few years now!
I used to be on deviantart YEARS ago which is where I got all of them. (My user is Insolent-Trash if you are curious :> )
Most of them cannot be credited however due to them not being on the site and me not having contact with them anymore.
Once again, these are VERY old and most of the creators dA accounts do not exist and/or I do not have their new contact info.
I apologize for that inconvenience.
I will, however, be uploading original characters soon once I familiarize myself with this site some more!
I have a ton of ocs (some whom im VERY protective over so I may not open them in fear of art theft/oc theft)
but i'm really excited to show you all my characters!!

Stay tuned :D