Jaloyoloti's Bulletins

Jalo's RP Samples

Posted 2 years, 14 days ago by Jaloyoloti

[Group RP // Standard post]
Pulled by some intangible thread, Blair began sifting through the stacks of notes, books and items on the table to her left.

Saying to Nikolai as she looked, "Anything that will get us out of here faster would be valuable; magic items, maps, notes or keys."

There was so much to pour through in such little, precious time. Some of  it made sense but much of it did not. Luckily in her skimming of notes  she found something partially interesting. Someone named Fistandia was  doing a lot of transmutation, turning things into gold it seemed. Blair  was also lucky enough to find and identify some healing potions which  she pocketed to perhaps give someone later.

"I... what is this for? .... Is it art? ........ It is well made."

Blair looked over and is somewhat disappointed and yet tickled that  Nikolai is distracted by what seems to be a shapely butt sculpture. They  were starting to get a bit of an idea about Nikolai. A bit simple  maybe, but eager to please which Blair appreciated.

Blair was much like that growing up, a curiosity in her and an  appreciation for simple things though she lacked a knack for keeping  knowledge in her hyperactive brain, or rather, the mechanisms to find  the knowledge when she needed it. If it hadn't been for her partner  Lei's constant and never ending patience to work with her, Blair might  have never become the person she was now.

As Blair kept looking on the table she stopped to take a good look  around. The whole room seemed a little too mundane for all the notes on  research and experimentation. The bard had a thought and began to cast a  spell. She chanted some words and made motions with her hands before  her eyes began to glow eerily. She seemed taken aback by what she saw,  wincing as if in discomfort before she focused on the clay statue  Nikolai pointed out.

"I think.. Someone did something with that, made it or changed it. It's magical in some way." Blair looked more, trying to scrutinize anything of importance through the haze of pure magic. "This whole room has so much magical energy... It's overwhelming and honestly kind of scary. Be very careful," she said, pointing to some spots on the floor, "I'm  not totally sure what could be here but with all these notes and the  effort to keep things hidden, there might be something more to this  room."

[1x1 RP // Standard post]
Of course, as was her luck,  Shinju spotted Hesaei among the others there. Shinju had hoped that she  would be the main attraction that night but as it seemed Hesaei had  made her way there as well to be among the entertainers of the night.  Did okaa-san not believe in her? Did she think that maybe Shinju would  bring dishonor to okiya? The thought made her uneasy and as Hesaei  butted her way into the conversation being had and took the young man’s  arm, Shinju had to take a deep breath to calm her nerves. As Hesaei  continued her little charade of treating Shinju as a servant girl,  Shinju merely nodded and left the room for a brief moment, glancing  again at the young man and giving him a small, toothless smile before  going to fetch the hostess. She returned shortly after with maids in tow  who carried steaming pots of tea and bottles of sake, as well as some  of their finest delectables.

Shinju then turned her attention to the daimyo as being her main charge,  a frequent customer of hers and the highest ranking person there, she  could not ignore him even if the fine young man who had been introduced  as the daimyo’s son drew more of her attention.

Being the fine entertainer and conversationalist she was, Shinju caught  up with the daimyo and asked him about any stories of his son, carefully  hinting that she was more interested in the embarrassing ones a father  would tell about his son. At first, as was tradition with the daimyo, he  was tight-lipped and a bit grumpy but as the sake started flowing he  loosened up and whispered some things in Shinju’s ear about Ren. She  laughed with him quietly, stealing glances at the younger man like  anyone would when being told secrets about someone but in all truth she  was just hoping for an excuse to look at him. He had fine features and  it was rare that a man caught Shinju’s attention so much.

Though it was taboo Shinju had often found herself wanting the company  of women more than men in both the romantic and sexual sense though  she’d never truly been able to act upon her proclivities. There was  something about Ren though that made Shinju want to get to know him much  better. Perhaps it was his build, somewhat softer than most men.  Perhaps it was his position of power, being the daimyo’s son and, as she  understood it, sole heir. Perhaps it was the way he kept looking at her  too. She always seemed to meet his gaze across the room and the way he  looked at her made her heart beat just a tad faster.

Shinju had to keep up the entertainment of all guests though, even if  she did want some alone time with Ren to see why he made her react in  such a way to him. She spent most of the night with the daimyo,  carefully squeezing stories out of the man, though she made sure to talk  to everyone in turn and make them feel important as well.

Shinju’s chance to speak with Ren came when Hesaei was preparing for her  performance. With a cup of hot sake in her hand, Shinju walked up to  Ren and bowed her head deeply.

“Shimizu-san, I’m afraid we haven’t been able to speak much tonight. My  name is Shinju. I apologize, I feel like I haven’t made enough of an  effort to talk to you. I hope you will accept my apology and we can get  to know one another better,” she said with a smile and offering him the  drink.

[Group RP // First post]
When dawn came the day of  the Spring Equinox Festival the second born Naryl child was already up  and about as was customary. Dressed in a fine suit of pale blues and  greens, Dirkk headed to his garden just outside a small building on the  castle grounds. As the sun rose higher in the sky he grabbed a few  things from inside his apothecary building and went out the side door  into the garden. Walking past rows of herbs and other medicinal plants,  Dirkk made his way to the back of the garden where there was  a small  stone bench in front of an altar. The altar was also stone and engraved  on the tablet set into it was a pestle and mortar. Beneath the engraving  of the tool were three stones set into the tablet: coral, lapis lazuli  and jasper. On the altar sat a bowl which Dirkk poured some loose  incense into and lit. Kissing his fingers he then placed them on each  stone and closed his eyes.
It wasn't long until his friend and fellow worshiper of Airmed Amatheia  joined him. They spoke sparingly in the morning light, both offering  their prayers to Airmed to have a wonderful festival with few ailments  and injuries. If their services as healers were needed they prayed that  Airmed would guide them to make the best decisions.
After their prayers Amatheia left to prepare Luciana for the day and  Dirkk spent a little more time in the garden, tending to new growth that  had been planted after the last frost. When he finished his careful  tending he made his way to the infirmary he'd had made a few years ago  also on the castle grounds. In light of the festival that year Dirkk  also had it expanded with tents to house those injured in the set up,  duration and break down of the festival.

Dirkk found himself tending small scrapes and bruises, a few spring  colds and allergies brought about by the weather and the festival  itself. Alongside the physician Fernan whom he hired due to their  specialty in diagnoses, Dirkk aided people for the better part of the  morning before he was to make an appearance officially.
Most people Dirkk came across in the infirmary were quite wary of his  involvement in the process. It was still quite shocking to most that the  second born of the Naryls was quite adept in the healing arts. Most  expected an old, grizzled physician with a terrible bedside manner, not a  young handsome prince with lily-white hands and an infectious smile.  Even those who worked in the castle sometimes had trouble coming to  Dirkk for fear of inadequate care or annoying him, or both. Most quickly  got over those feelings though once they heard about his how potent his  remedies were as well as testimonials from those who underwent his care  about how willing he was to help.

A young woman by the name of Delia came into the infirmary while Dirkk was there complaining of a nasty cough.
"Is it a dry cough?" Dirkk asked, trying to diagnose with the best of his abilities whie Fernan was busy.
"Yes, sir, it's been going on for a couple  days and it's starting to hurt. I just keep getting a little tickle in  the back of my throat and I have to cough," she explained.
Dirkk nodded as he silently made a mental shopping list, "Yes that seems to be going around now that spring is upon us." He gently felt her neck underneath her jaw to check for swollen glands but found nothing out of the ordinary. "Let  me go and make up some tea for you now and then I'll make a little list  for you of things to get as well as instructions. You don't have any  allergies to ginger or honey, do you?"
"No, I've had both without trouble. Quite recently as well, sir," Delia told him.
"Good, I'll be back in just a bit." With that, Dirkk left.
He soon came back with a small pot of hot water, a cup and saucer, a ginger root and honey as well as a list with instructions.
"I'll go over this with you now so if you have any questions I can answer them for you. It's pretty straight forward though," he said, pulling a small side table over before peeling and cutting up the ginger, "Just  about six, quarter inch slices of peeled ginger like this in a cup of  hot water. Let it steep three to four minutes before removing the ginger  and adding two teaspoons of honey. If you don't like the taste of them  together you may alternate the ginger tea with any herbal tea and the  honey. Do this two or three times a day. If you get an upset stomach or  heartburn stop using the ginger and just use the honey." He watched her nod at his instructions and talked to her more as the tea steeped.
"Now if it doesn't go away  within two weeks or if you have phlegm that's anything other than clear  come back as it may be something more serious than a little cough."
Delia's eyes widened in fear a little bit but Dirkk patted the young woman on the shoulder.
"I'm sure it's nothing serious as this cough has been going around but we still want to keep an eye on it, just in case, mmk?" Dirkk said.
Delia nodded again. "O-ok, I'll be sure to drink the tea and watch out if it gets worse."
"Good. You're welcome to stay and drink your tea here but once you're done try to enjoy the festival."
"Of course, thank you, sir. I appreciate your help."
Dirkk smiled, "You're very welcome, Miss Delia."

Tending to a couple more patients by himself and with the aid of  Amatheia once she had finished helping his sister, Dirkk busied himself  with this and that right up until it was time to make an appearance for  the beginning of the festival. As was customary for the second born, he  made his way with haste to the center stage to take his place between  Luciana (who looked immaculate) and Marcius (who looked devilishly  handsome as always). Across the stage he smiled to Daphne when he caught  her eye and gave her a little wink. His gaze then roamed over the rest  of the people engaged to his siblings, noting each of their expressions  as they stood on stage with the royals, some (Kiho) more thrilled than  others (Idan).
Dirkk listened to the short speeches made and when the festival  officially began he tried his best to melt away into the crowd but was  quickly nabbed by his mother, Syreth, behind the stage.
"Dirkk, my sweet son," she began.
"Yes, my magnanimous mother?" He said with a sugary sweet smile.
"Honey, I know it's  fashionable to be late these days to some but to a royal punctuality is a  virtue and, may I add, a requirement." She said with a stern look.
Dirkk's expression turned sheepish and he nodded.
"Yes, mother, I know. I'm sorry. I was in the infirmary helping people though," he said, hopeful to get some slack.
"Fernan is perfectly capable of handling things while you attend to your royal duties, Dirkk."
"Yes, mother, I understand."
"Speaking of royal duties," Syreth said, poking her head around the wall of the stage and then bringing it back to face her son, "You should go and charm that fiancee of yours before Mister Greenspan does it for you," she said with a raised eyebrow.
With that Syreth joined her wife to walk the festival grounds, leaving her son to figure a way to get Daphne away from Idan.

[1x1 RP // First post]
It had started some time before; the inexplicable feeling of being watched. As one who was usually the watcher it was an uneasy feeling to say the least. After so many years of going through the routine of living in seclusion, being watched by someone or something all of a sudden definitely put him on high alert. It had been so long since he’d started his life of living alone that the thought had never crossed his mind that they’d come back to him. He could not, would not allow himself the feeling of hope only to most likely have that hope dashed. 

So he waited and watched.

He went through his usual routine for days, weeks, months maybe until one clear day in autumn that dawned bright and brisk. He’d gone to sleep before dawn as usual, settling into a slumber in the basement of the house. He slept fitfully for a few hours until finally a sound woke him up. His keen hearing and the fact that he’d been on the edge of alertness for quite some time lent him the ability to know when someone entered the house. Panic seized him as he heard footsteps in the house above him which quickly turned to confusion. Who? Who found the house? Had his parents finally come to drag him back to their home? Had a witch seen through the spell and thought to break in and steal his things? Had a hunter of his kind found him? So many questions of who it could be reeled in his mind but the possibility that is was her didn’t even register.

So he waited and listened.

He heard the person go into one room and then cross into another room. He didn’t hear anything but footsteps so they weren’t trashing the place or stealing anything. His curiosity was piqued and he cursed himself for not having those Magic Eyes installed in every room of his house. But who would think someone would break into his house? No one was even supposed to see the damn place.

He then stood at the foot of the stairs leading up to the rest of the house. He thought of his options. If they did come down to the basement he’d have the jump on them if they meant harm and he could subdue them.

He could also stay down in the basement and hope they never found him and just left.

Maybe he could just take a peek and see who it was upstairs. He was stealthy enough, there were few who would be able to detect him. Even if his presence was given away somehow, he could still defend himself. One didn’t live alone for a long time without finding time to work out. While he wasn’t bulky he had a toned figure and with the supernatural enhancements of his race he could definitely take on most any who would hope to bring him harm.

He wavered a few moments more, worrying his bottom lip as he thought over the options. He would have to know who it was to get information out of them as to how they saw the house.

Yes, any way he looked at it he needed to know who was in the house and he needed to know before they up and left.

Ari crept up the stairs which made no sound as if he didn’t weigh anything at all. He made his way to the top step before the door that opened into the hallway. He waited and listened and when he was sure they were down in the guest room he opened the door silently and stepped down the hallway. He avoided that one floorboard that always creaked no matter how much he tried fixing it as he went to the guest room. The door was opened but a crack and he pushed it open slightly to get an angle to see who was there. Their back was to him as they looked over everything in the room. They had a slight figure and long dark hair and were armed with what looked like various knick knacks to keep away all manners of mystical creatures. They didn’t look familiar to him but something nagged at him as if they were someone he should know. Like someone… From a past life.

He sucked in a breath and stared at this person through the crack in the door, his mind suddenly reeling. There was no way. It couldn’t be. But who else? Who could see the house but her? Who could enter the house but her? Who could he recognize after all this time in an instant? He tried desperately to reform his thoughts to be calm, collected and cautious. What if it was someone playing a trick on him? Surely the cruelest of tricks it would be to bypass the spells and masquerade as his former lover. 

With dread and a tinge of hope he entered the room and let his presence be known as he said “Who are you?”

No commissions

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago by Jaloyoloti

Not taking any commissions at this time. Thank you.

Commission Order Forms

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by Jaloyoloti




Please PM me the order form and allow up to 48 hours for a reply before sending payment.



Toyhou.se UN:
Main contact method: (discord, email, toyhou.se, etc.)
Main contact UN/email:
Paypal e-mail:
Ko-fi name:

Lining/Coloring Style: (Line art/Single color/full flat color/full shaded color)
Size: (Headshot/Bust/Waist)
Hex Color: (for lineart or single color)
Background: (Transparent/White/Gradient/etc.) (simple backgrounds are free)
Art extras: (Large or complex wings/large or complex horns/props/weapons/etc.)

Speedpaint: (Yes/No)
Speedpaint song: (Must be at least 6 minutes long, copyright free) (if left blank I will choose one)

Character name:
Character reference(s): (links please)
Character expression:
Character hand pose: (if applicable)

Deadline/Rush Date: (if applicable)

Base price:
Extra price:
Total price: (Base plus all extras)


Toyhou.se UN: Jaloyoloti
Main contact method: Toyhou.se
Main contact UN/email: Jaloyoloti
Paypal e-mail: [email protected]

Lining/Coloring Style: full shaded color
Size: Bust
Hex color: n/a
Background:  gradient oval
Art extras: n/a

Speedpaint: yes
Speedpaint song: https://youtu.be/2e-iQGd9qvA

Character name: Sylvine
Character reference(s):  https://toyhou.se/4381792.sylvine
Character expression: excited
Character hand pose: holding potions in the air

Deadline/Rush Date: 4 days 9/26/19

Base price: $13
Extra price: $10
Total price: $23

Commission Terms of Service

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by Jaloyoloti

I know it's a lot to read but this keeps everything out in the open and running smoothly.

I reserve the right to change my TOS at anytime.

I reserve the right to decline a request/commission for any reason.

I reserve the right to cancel the order and refund the money at any time.
You have the right to cancel and get a full refund before the first sketch I send you but not after.
If you must cancel after the first sketch is sent I will refund only 50% of the payment.
If the commissioned piece is finished and I have sent you a watermarked preview, you cannot request a refund.

I reserve the right to post the finished pieces or the process of the commission to places including but not limited to-

I reserve the right to use the finished commission pieces as commission samples.
You have the right with your order to let me know if you would not like your commissioned piece posted to the public before any payment is processed - exception being that if you yourself post the finished commissioned piece to the public then you forfeit that right.

If my signature is on the finished piece of work you will not remove it.
Wherever the commissioned piece is posted I must be credited as Jaloyoloti.

My art may be used for private and personal purposes.
My art will not be used for commercial purposes.
My art will not be used for profit.

My art may not be edited or altered in any way. If you need it edited or altered you must come back to me and make a request.
Editing includes but is not limited to-
Any additions
Any subtractions
Filters (such as Instagram filters)

The only exception is resizing/cropping for personal use.

The person who commission the piece is only other person who can reupload my art.
Again it must be fully credited.

By ordering with my order form you agree to the above terms.

Commission Info

Posted 5 years, 2 hours ago by Jaloyoloti

If you feel so inclined to commission me here is some info.
If you are at all confused please send me a message and I will try to explain better.
Unless specifically stated, yes I am OPEN for commissions. 

Will do OCs and Fandom characters
Singles only; no couple or groups.
Will do simple backgrounds
Will do simple poses
I am not well practiced in furry/anthro but am willing to give it a go
Will do some easy props
Will do gore, body horror, above waist nudity
Will do simple animations
Will not do mech/cyborg parts
Will not use bases made by others for paid commissions
Will not do real people

I do not automatically accept commissions. Please allow them to be reviewed and accepted before sending payment.
I must receive full payment before I will start on the commission.
All prices are USD.
Payment preferences: Paypal > Ko-Fi
PAYPAL: Always send through GOODS AND SERVICES and put NO ADDRESS NEEDED. Do not pay to cover the paypal fees. Tips, however, are accepted.
Must have a singular image reference to use. No text descriptions or mood boards.
May have multiple references to show certain aspects of the character but not more than three.
If I make a mistake please let me know and I will try to fix it. I generally keep the files on my computer for a while.
If, however, you want something added that you did not include in your original order I will charge.
Please be kind and patient and will return the favor.

Depending on workload turnaround should be less than two weeks. If it is expected to take longer, I will let you know.


  • Read my TOS.
  • Order. You must fully complete my order form, no blanks. Please put N/A or not applicable for anything that does not pertain to your order.
  • Give me time to accept or reject the order. I may ask additional questions or depending on complexity or additions to the order I may charge additional fees.
  • Send me the full payment via Paypal or Ko-fi
  • Give me time to send you the first rough draft/sketch which will be watermarked. You may ask for changes at this time.
  • I will allow one more WIP (watermarked) to be shown to you for any additional changes before I start the completion process.
  • If you want any additional WIPs between the second and the completed preview you will be charged an extra WIP fee.
  • I will send you a watermarked preview of the completed commission. If you want changes at this time you will be charged an extra WIP fee.
  • I will send you hi-res (300dpi) finished piece when you are satisfied with the product.

"Why are the WIPs watermarked?" I don't want anyone getting a refund halfway through the process and using it for their own purposes. Call me paranoid.