Jaqdaw's Bulletins

About Me

Posted 3 years, 17 days ago by Jaqdaw

Hi! I'm posting a temporary bulletin here, because I do not know how to fully utilize Toy House features yet! 🙏

While I figure things out, you can find more of my art and designs on the following platforms! Please be patient with me as I learn how to properly navigate the site! If for some reason I do not respond within 48 hours, please sends me an e-mail at [email protected].

I have personal OCs but while their Toyhouse is a WIP they're on private! I'd love to share them soon, they mean a lot to me!

Twitter - https://twitter.com/jaqdaw

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jaqdawart/

Tumblr - https://jaqdaw-art.tumblr.com/

deviantART - https://www.deviantart.com/jaqdaw-art

Fur Affinity - https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jaqdaw-art/