Jeff139's Bulletins


Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by Jeff139

Yo, I don't usually do this sorta thing for reasons, but I think I found another exception to my distaste. Fair warning, this species may contain some disturbing content as it's horror-themed. 13+ tho, and sfw :3 Check em out, see for yerself!

Y'all been holding out on me

Posted 7 months, 30 days ago by Jeff139

So, I been playing various pet collection games, think like NeoPets, for years now. I think Animal Jam was the one I stuck around the longest on (RIP Feral). I have never, however, so much as HEARD of Flight Rising.

For context, I found Flight Rising through some art on Melarnic while I was looking at the artist credits, apparently BunnyMellow had commissioned some from a couple someones on there. I am curious as to what led to em giving up such a detailed character they clearly put so much love into, but hopefully I can honor it well, specially now I know more about its origins.

For anyone curious, I'm still called Jeff139 on there. If anyone else plays Flight Rising, feel free to chat here or there, I've honestly got no idea what I'm doing, but I have five dragons and found a lightning egg, so I think that's good? (;^ω^)

Neat lil species is appearing.

Posted 7 months, 30 days ago by Jeff139

Pretty simple one design-wise, but by no means are they not cool-lookin.

Good news and bad news. Why don't we start with the good news?

I'm once more on a working PC. Yeah, how's that for a start?

So basically, Windows did a funny. My PC somehow uninstalled the OS and the bootloader. Not even the bootup hotkeys work anymore. It just flings two errors with no error codes at me on a DOS/CMD interface, which does not allow me to interact with it, then shuts down and restarts, giving the same errors again. Absolutely nothing changes this. Windows OS is corrupted.

And there's the bad news ^-^
Yup, Windows OS somehow GOT UNINSTALLED from my PC. I am indeed on a working PC again, so things will return to normal with me.

NOW, FOR SHAMELESS SELF-PROMO!!! If you aren't interested in TTRPGs like D&D, Pathfinder, etc, no need to read the next bit.
I am, as of recently, a professional GM (gamemaster) for hire. I am running a few scheduled games, and if you want to hire me, the price is entirely up for debate based on the system and the length of sessions. All of my details for that can be found on my Startplaying, found below. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me :3


Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Jeff139

Don't you love it when you had a chapter written, well over 10k words...

and your pc bluescreens

It's been a consistent issue lately since the cable on one of my hard drives (E:, a secondary internal hard drive) has a loose cable, but HOLY CRUD IS THE TIMING EVER PAINFUL!
I had so much written, too. Two new characters (Cinnaburn and Zap) introduced, lots of character development, a development to the nature of the high-tech city...
All for nought. Pain. Use Google Docs, folks, I know I will be from now on.

My Steam now has damaged/corrupted data thanks to that BSOD.
Errors several times on startup, UI is glitched out, and several games have damaged installation data.

Requests (nm)

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Jeff139

An interesting small artist has sprung up looking to expand their audience by doing requests, be sure to check em out.

My apologies for the inactivity.

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Jeff139

My apologies for the recent inactivity on here, I've caught Covid and been lethargic as hell lately, and my mind's been a puddle of mush.

My webnovel is merely getting delayed until I feel up to writing, more content will come, but I simply ain't feeling it right now.

Looking for characters for a thing.

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Jeff139

As in, reply to this IC with a personality blurb, personal possessions, close relations, etc if you don't mind me featuring your character in a thing I'm writing. I will strictly adhere to any details on your character's page or the thing you sent me, and will likely discuss ideas of mine with you before going through with them. You may retract this at any time prior to publishing, and will be credited, just ping me if you want to make any requests or changes. You will be given access to the drafts before I publish them. By no means do I require that you include my story in any sort of character cannon stuff. Further details will not be provided just yet, aside from this: there WILL be violence. I won't be killing off your character without asking if you're alright with that beforehand, nor grievously injuring them, but they may be subject to mild bodily harm or emotional trauma, and may bear witness to... More severe things, should such things occur within the story. Even I'm not 100% sure how this will go.