
Characters from my fantasy adventure novel The Curse Of Rhiannon. 

Rhiannon Herkimer has spent years of her life trapped by a powerful curse in Cordelimere, and she wants out. When she tries to flood the town with a weather altering music box, a strange spirit gives her a break from the spell and a chance at breaking the curse for good. Rhiannon must then travel with her lover Aurora to Glaceiville to find the object in the music box maker's shop that is tied to her curse. Finally, she has a chance to see the world outside her town, which she has dreamed of for years. However, Rhiannon doesn't have much time, and between the spirit Avdotya's shifting motives and the eyes of Avdotya's rivals watching them closely, Rhiannon can only hope that she'll make it to Glaceiville on time. Will she break the curse and find her path to freedom, or will she be forced to return to Cordelimere, never to leave again?