
A world where Earth is comprised of two main species, humans and monsters.  Earth's geography is mostly the same, with various cities and locations changing.  Such as various forests being marked off due to very dangerous monsters living within them.  

Most stories take place within a main city called Monstropolis and Saphine City, located around our New York City.  they are connected by a bridge which only monsters who pass an exam may go into Saphine City.  However, humans are prohibited from entering Monstropolis due safety reasons.  These two cities are also connected by a beach, which is appropriately Harmony Beach.  Many aquatic monsters live in the oceans near the beach, and sometimes even visit the beach itself.  There's also a small cove called the Stone Islands where sirens reside.

There's also a forest near the two cities named Hunters' Folly.  The forest is rather large and holds a vast amount of species.  There is also an unexplored cave system located within the forest that allegedly holds very dangerous species of monster.  On the contrast however, there is also a harmonious nudist group of satyrs and centaurs residing there.

Monstrose also holds a heaven above the Earth where star people and various angels live.  However, both species are able to go down to Earth, and maybe lesser angels already live on Earth as well.  There are also many interesting locations within Monstrose, such as a marked off forest in West Virginia where the moth man, the flatwoods monster, the Grafton monster, and more reside, also a marked off forest located in Germany where the acclaimed Slenderman lives.  Of course, there are even more stories to tell about this strange world.

this is a universe created by me and my friend FiteMeL0ser

closed species candyfloss female my design male tenshilove design icc sugarfloss ice cream cow trufflefloss taken xynthii maybe nft not looking to ship brittlefloss popfloss peppermintfloss starrypeaches design toskanao