JoeyDraws's Bulletins


Posted 5 days, 15 hours ago by JoeyDraws

im making the new acc today xsjnsjksns yay!!!!

i og was gonna make it stardew valley themed but im too lazy to do all the drawings so im just making it based off my animal jam accoutn since. why not [and ive also drawn some art of my aj avatar so yaya-]

ill post a bulletin for my authed people once its done <333 tysm yall for waiting xbhjskjbxjks


Posted 11 days, 7 hours ago by JoeyDraws

i got a screenshot of one of my fav anaimal jam players complementing my art AND IT DIDNT SAVE AGRHGHAHAJAHSHSHSUAAAAAAA


Posted 14 days, 12 hours ago by JoeyDraws

my bday is in less than a month chjisjdskjnsjs im getting 2 fish a beta fish and a catfish [i was h]just gonna get the beta but my mom knew i wanted another fish so she researched what fish can be put in with them that they wont kill and she figured out that a smol catfish can be in there with them so yayayyay]

the beta's name is gonna be timothy but idk what i want the catfish to be named yet tbh.

oh my god i am so sorry yall

Posted 14 days, 12 hours ago by JoeyDraws

i litterally forgor about toyhouse cbjsnss i was put in the hospital again and next week is the final week of school and theres gonna be a ton of exams and its just been a rollercoaster cskhjksnsjks

i. havent been drawing digitally much + ive been focusing on animal jam because its not stressful at all and. my physical health is still shit andddd i have to sudy for exams and shit ughgjfbhjsnajkmsmsk

im probs not gonna make my new acc until school is over, im sorry- 

gn yall

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by JoeyDraws

its 3 am and my mouth hurts like hell cause i have a dumbass wisdom tooth bitch growing in on the roof of my mouth xbsjbshjs


Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by JoeyDraws

i went to the thrift store earlier today[my mom took me as like a gift ig?? i love the local thrift store and since my symptoms werent as bad this week she let me go today]

i found fnaf plushies hehe >:] i got em because yes. ima add them to the shelf my freddy funko pop is on hehe


Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by JoeyDraws

sorry i havent been online a lot hjnjsksn im gonna make my new acc soon- ive been very busy ith school and shit


Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by JoeyDraws

ive started sharing my dnb oc lore with yall and its turned to chaos LMAO

people are either screaming over character death or being like "this character is a bitch"

i am not sorry /j

excuse me??

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by JoeyDraws

i heard my mom on a phone call and i walked in her room and i was like "tell whoever you're on the phone with i said hi"

and my mom looked at me and said "you need to do something with your hair you look like a mess"-

i just wanted to say hi man what did i do to deserve that


Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by JoeyDraws

i ahve the sudden urge to play minecraft for the first time in 10000000 years

ill be back soon lol