Jojo_Paku's Bulletins

Levels of Gods

Posted 6 years, 5 days ago by Jojo_Paku

Level 1: Level one gods refer to either of the original Gods, Alilam and Tevane. They are the most powerful and influential

Level 2: Level two gods are gods created by level 1 gods. Life and Doom are both level 2 gods.

Level 3/Godlings: Level three gods would in theory be created by level 2 gods, but they are often confused with godlings, those that were granted power or a wish by a Lv 1. Godlings can give off a similar aura to a lv 3, but they are a different category as they used to be spirits or humans.

Level 4: Magical creatures such as spirits, sprites, and reverted, while they often can't use it, they have vast stores of magic, and can be used lie a "Battery"

level 5: Human Wizards, in a few classifications. less magic than any other magic being, other than low level demons.

Demons: Demons can be found equal in power to everything below a level 2, and can be as weak as a human.

THis doesnt include beings that got power from outside sources or causes.

Second Generation Gods (death)

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Jojo_Paku

The second Generation Gods, (Life and Doom). It it's believed that they cannot be killed, merely sent to the void for a time. Normally, the would come back at the same strength and age as they where before they where killed. The only example of one of these gods dieing was in the case of Life, and then something happened. instead of coming back at the same age and strength, he was returned a Child. no one knows why this happened.


Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Jojo_Paku

Of the characters in A Dash of Humanity, only a few have powerful magic. The  gods, Alilam, Tevane, Life, and doom, all have a decent amount at their disposal.

Spirits, reverted, and humans all have limited amounts of magic, ranging from none to little when compared to the gods.

The exception to this becomes apparent in the cases of Chantal and Nefeli, both of whom have access to a decent amount of magic. This is believed to be due to their connect to Alilam, and the fact that he granted both of them a wish. Their magic is normally combat based.

Even the most powerful known human wizards wouldn't last a second against one of the gods.