Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


-- If you're here to ask about transferring a design I drew and gave, traded, or sold to you (I can't vouch for those made by others), no need! You may trade/sell/etc for any value (I want to see just how much they can end up going for!)

-- I'm not offended by offers on any of my characters, but do know I'm not planning on transferring any character who isn't in the "Adoptables" or "Looking For Homes" folders, and it would take a rather spectacular offer for me to consider most of them.

-- I don't own any closed species, nor do I want any. I do love open species designs though! 

-- I don't believe in DNIs (though will try to follow them), but I will not interact with YOU if your profile indicates you believe a design can be "revoked" under any circumstances besides nonpayment. That's just called theft.

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!