JustPeachers's Literatures

Kadence shook his head, and Aalto was entirely won over into relaxing before Kadence pushed a handful of water at him, just barely hitting his chin. He was holding back, which was sweet. Aalto retaliated by pushing his good arm up from under the water, getting a good amount of water under him.

3 years, 9 months ago

Diplomatic meetings were never fun. Aalto knew that. But then again, he didn’t go to them usually.

Aalto slept with a common dream of his own. When he had lost his arm, he had lost something else entirely. On the right wrist of every human individual were the first words they will hear from their soulmate... So what now? Have his words been erased from his would-be soulmate? Has his soulmate forgotten him, or would they be searching for the person with an intact right wrist that says those exact words as they speak?