welcome to my personal hell /pos

I like to tinker with html on! Here's where I upload the stuff I code. I'm doing this as a hobby so by no means are they perfect but I try my hardest to make things mobile compatible and generally functional.

I don't have a lot of direction when it comes to what I make, so I'll gladly take suggestions and feedback! I'm not super great with color picking and styling things to be pretty and want to improve.

Almost all of my codes have a tab for the raw html and all are free to use!

Comment here for authorization!

Heads up! I haven't fully migrated where I'm hosting images, so if you see a code that seems unusually blank or that doesn't match the example screenshots, it's because the images broke D: I'm working on fixing it (slowly since I have irl obligations)!!
Have any questions? Did one of my codes do something screwy? Just struggling with a code in general? Don't be afraid to hit me up on discord or just shoot me a message here! I like to help :D i can't guarantee i'll know how to fix something but I don't mind trying :]

male feline canine female html nonbinary human character template single taken warriors ubros Rift OH kidemona demon alien deity FNaF merfolk