“Sight on reality”

“Sight on reality”

"Sight on reality" is a name mostly suitable for "Escape" storyline but whatever. Everything in this world is mainly happening during 1980s, with some technology tweaks but in general really similar.

Except normal humans, Mutalabrus can be found here as second main humanoid species. Except Mutalabrus, this world is full of Angels and Demons. "Heaven" and "Hell" are whole different dimensions. Human souls after death are sorted in there by their deeds. It's hard, but possible to get from either of dimensions back to Earth.

Common law is that Demons must be controlled by Angels. Some may require personal wardens due to their abilities and strength, or be controlled by a warden during work, if their work involves using demonic powers. Usually, if a demon shows no hostility during a trial time, it gets a license and can live freely among the humans. Mutalabrus have a similar but less strict law.

As another note, in their universe emotions and souls are considered substances. Demons can eat emotions and get energy from them, they collect in the air like a scent for our noses. Souls are more complicated, but they carry the consciousness of an individual.