
Welcome to Kit's Re-homing Center!


This account is an alt for my main, TheKitsuneShifter.
This one is for re-homing adopts I've got or characters I've created that I sadly can't find a place for, keeping them separate from the ones on my main so I can keep track of my characters over there a bit easier. >w<


Please contact my main if you have questions or would like to ask/offer for a character!

I rarely log onto this account without reason, so replies could take forever. And I feel bad when I reply super late. TwT

My main: https://toyhou.se/TheKitsuneShifter


I will organize these by four different folders.

Free: Self explanatory, fcfs on these.

Art/Trade: I will look at art offers, customs, or other characters for the ones in here.

Pending Payment: These are claimed already, just waiting on the art to be completed or their end of the trade.

Transfer Pending: These are claimed with no pending payments, just waiting on their new home to accept the transfer request.


Now, I'm not super picky on art offers. I'll be happy over a cute chibi or something really simple. As long as there is obvious effort and it's not just thrown together in a rushed manner. I'm very lenient with timeframes and don't really have a limit on the time, so long as you keep me updated that you're still interested periodically.

As for character trades, I'll be a bit more picky with those as I want to make sure I'd absolutely have a place and story for them.

But for trades/customs, I'll list what I'd more thank likely be interested in and would be weak to. Also, I take/have humanoid and feral (canine, feline, dragon, hybrid and so on) characters.

Would be weak for: Kitsune/Fox themed characters, Hybrids, Ones based on mythological creatures, Steampunk anything, Creepy, or a mixture of any of these.

Not interested in: Closed species (I like full control of what I do with my characters), Neon colors, Overly simple characters (I like semi-complex ones, not plain but not too much).

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