Kakao-Skill's Literatures

2 years, 8 months ago
644 1

Just a regular day in a buck's life. Or what said buck wishes it to be.

+18 Only Mild Violence

This part is subject to change, depending on how the story progresses. It may also be that I adjust some settings, depending on what I actually go with. But please, do not hesitate to contact me if you think the settings are too low!

-For the context: They're humans (or Muses, as in the case of Xinxin and her family) and the animal names come from their (Chinese) zodiacs. No animal cruelty here.

-It will get more disturbing as the story progresses.

-It will also include slight incestuous (but no sexual) moments and corpses of side characters. They will get described in their dead state, sometimes a cause of death can be determined, sometimes it cannot. But no Death-Scenes, well until the very last chapter.

While her sisters want to forget the latest tragedy that happened within their family, Xinxin longs for answers. During the night she sets out; only the moon accompanies her. This is her diary.