
A kingdom on the continent of Solvea, known for their worship of Astria, the goddess of the stars, as well as a type of rare magical crystal found only on its land, known as Celestial Pieces. 

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While denizens of Astrema believe that Celestial Pieces originate from the shooting stars frequently spotted in the kingdom's night skies, they are obtained from ores in mines, not much different from any other mineral. They are a highly sought after resource, due to their unique ability to strengthen magical affinity. They cannot, however, grant powers to someone without magical affinity at all.

The apparent ruler of Astrema is its High Prince or Princess, who is chosen at birth by the acolytes of Astria through a divine rite. However, they are little more than a figurehead, while the actual governance of the kingdom is split between its noble families. The origins of the nobility date back to the first acolytes of Astria, but nowadays, anyone in possession of a Celestial Mine can buy themselves into becoming a noble. The more mines owned by one's family, the more powerful they are. This gives rise to an abundance of explorers trying to uncover and stake their claim on new mines.

Unlike most other nations on the continent of Solvea, they don't follow the Faith of the Aura. However, this is deemed acceptable as Astria is believed to be an ancestor of the Aura.