Katk's Profile Comments

¡Hola! Estoy aquí para verificar que usted tiene una cuenta de OAC Amino, que es http://aminoapps.com/p/e04bmn ¿Es eso correcto?


Sip, esa es mi cuenta ^^

This user's account has been closed.


I dont want trade for the moment. Thanx you for the time ^^

Hi just wondering if you have any character  trades or any your giving away? 

hola! Y si, depende que ofrezcas y a cual quieras se puede intercambiar.

Is there anything in my TH if not I can send others I have not put on here just yet 

Is there anything in my TH if not I can send others I have not put on here just yet 

Perdon, nada de tu galeria me llama la atención por el momento ^^U

Hiya! Was just wondering if you have any characters you’re looking at giving away. Your art is gorgeous btw!