Medieval Fantasy

∙ • Medieval Fantasy Directory • ∙

∙ Forbidden Love and Betrayals ∙

These two stories take place within the same universe and at the same time. The Medieval Fantasy world (soon to be better named, I promise) has gods, demons, witches, human hybrids and more. The main style influence for this world is medieval but is not historially accurate to that time. Think of this as a seperate old timey society mixed with fantasy and magic.

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Demons and Dieties

Love • Conflict • Power

Better synopsis TBD! But basically a story of the blooming love between a Hell-Demon (the evil kind of demon) and a god in the midst of conflict between the three realms: Heaven, Earth, and Underworld.

Medieval Earth

Love • Betrayal • Revenge

Julia is a witch in a society that condemns her existence. She happens to befriend then fall in love with a non-witch. One day he brutally betrays her and she seeks to hunt him down and make him pay. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

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