In the eyes Story


The world- This world is very much like our own, and the story is set in the 21st century. The girls it revolves around are called 'Hunters' simply because they have unique abilities to see Witches (masses of physical negative emotions amplified by souls of people) and subdue them. They do this not only to save people's lives but also to gain food, since witch's drop objects called, for a lack of between term, their souls. Hunter's then feed off this, since normal food isn't enough to sustain them.

Witch's- masses of physical negative emotions amplified by souls of people, They drop souls once they have been subdued. They remain in this soul form until they regain enough power to reform (think of it like the gem's from Steven universe), or are eaten by a Hunter. (which is the only known way to kill them). Witchs kill people by simply trapping them in a pocket dimension witchs can create and overwhelm the individual with a variety of attacks until they eat the human. 

Hunters/Magi- These are kids, mainly girls, who fight witches, Both groups need a witch's soul to survive. It's important to note that both groups draw their magic from emotions, while a special few can gain their magical energy from else where. All Magi also possess an ability to change into a 'fighting form'. A fighting form is simply them with a different outfit on. These outfits are often reflections of the girl's mental state mixed with things they like. Hunters prefer to fight in this form because any wounds they receive from fighting a witch will not show up on their normal body, though the wounds will still hurt.

  • 'League of Silver' is basically the government for Silvers. It is used for planning attacks on Reds and raids on larger groups of witches that a single silver could not defeat alone. 
  • Most Silvers prefer to work alone so there is no fighting over food. Silvers are considered as 'Lordess' of a certain city due to the extremely territorial lifestyle that comes with being a silver as where Reds can live alone or with other Reds.
  • Reds are generally also WAY less territorial since their life style doesn't require them to be.  Since silvers have become more common place in many cities, Reds elect to live in groups, since that is one of their only ways to have a hope of overpowering Silvers. 
  • 'Pieces of Pisces' is really the only known group of Silvers except for the 'League of Silver'
"Silvers"/ "White Knights"4531121_viGWb8sFok95y6n.png4527595_fGrxv1s9NOEsMRu.pngArtifically-made Hunters. This group makes up the bulk of Hunters. They are 'created' by a soul approaching an individual and bonding to the individual's soul through one way or the other. They are stronger than a single red due to the power of the soul (since the soul will build on previous victim's powers and utilize that to compensate for its host's lack of magical ability.) They often die within a year or two of receiving their powers due to its emotional and physical drain on the host. Once the host dies, they become strong witches.
Silvers need soul's weekly, daily for those with more power. If they do not get their soul's, the bond between the individual and soul starts to diminish. At first, the host will experience fewer powers, fewer emotions, and less hunger, until they become part of the soul the bonded with, killing the host, and effectively adding them to the witch. Because of this, they are very territorial and aggressive.
Silvers powers are generally linked to changing things around them, a reflection of most silver's desires to change the world or their lives. The most common powers are manipulation of the elements, or of bodily things, such as blood. 
"Reds"4381559_nU5HYuwZ9wvixSP.png4452272_KHLIflRmi62r8ay.pngNaturally-occurring Hunters. They are marked by their red eyes which glow when they use their personalized powers. Power's vary since they are mainly based on the individual's personality and heritage. Generally, reds born to non-red parents have stronger powers, with their offspring producing less and less powerful children. They can eat normal food, but they must eat their body weight daily in order to sustain a healthy appearance. They can go long periods without much food but need at minimum one or two souls a month. (How many souls they need to consume is dependent on how powerful their eyes are. The more powerful an eye = more souls per month). They are weaker than a Silver alone, but they are much stronger together <their powers feed off each other> (ex: one red is weaker than one silver. two reds are more powerful than five silvers)Red powers generally are linked to how the user sees the world, allowing them to change how others see, (or see things they normally wouldn't, such as x-ray vison) or effect other's emotionally such as forcing emotions onto other people. They're powers are also heavily emotion-based, which means reds much use their emotions to power these powers-which means Reds attract more witches than Silvers.

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