The Hond Family

The Monarchy Dogs, The Malevolent Canines, The Muzzled Cleansers, The Resolving Crusaders, or just The Hond FamilyThey go by many names.

These 8 dogs once ruled over the earth from under everyone's noses. Among Earth's presence, they have been to hundreds of planets surrounding Earth, not yo conquer them of course, but to remind everyone who the true dictators are. Hat Verloren Hond, or Master Hat as his proper title, is the first family member. But there are the others that followed after birth. All of them so far have been named "Lange Oren Hond" with the only exception being Rosie, who was Lange Oren Hond VI's twin sister.

"Lange Oren Hond" meaning Long eared Dog in dutch, and "Hat Verloren" meaning Lost in German. hence why 
Master Hat's a German pointer.

CharacterDesign Folf Wolf Character Designs Unknown Advocate Bizzare Monster Numbered Fox CharacterDesigns Hybrid Stoat Rabbit Dog Raccoon HybridSpecies Bought Religion Father Darcey Folves