
God is dead
A high fantasy world

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut eu felis ut elit tincidunt ultrices. Donec ac luctus ex.

Morbi libero velit, laoreet ac laoreet nec, dignissim a arcu. Nam ac turpis feugiat, fringilla libero a, vulputate ante. Cras ullamcorper semper nulla quis venenatis.

Story One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla efficitur ac eros vitae auctor. Donec rutrum volutpat mauris sit amet dapibus. Aenean a orci sagittis, imperdiet risus id, venenatis nunc. Phasellus pharetra facilisis sapien, vel ultrices ex rutrum ac.

Praesent ut ligula ut felis mattis volutpat. In vestibulum condimentum mi. Aenean et augue et nunc aliquam porttitor. Curabitur sapien eros, pulvinar nec mauris ac, congue bibendum ante. Fusce bibendum lorem id cursus dictum. Sed vulputate scelerisque justo vel hendrerit. Ut lobortis leo est, sit amet ultricies lorem blandit non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla efficitur ac eros vitae auctor. Donec rutrum volutpat mauris sit amet dapibus. Aenean a orci sagittis, imperdiet risus id, venenatis nunc. Phasellus pharetra facilisis sapien, vel ultrices ex rutrum ac. Aenean aliquam bibendum neque in auctor. Vivamus fringilla nibh non tellus scelerisque imperdiet. In orci justo, euismod eget lectus et, tincidunt facilisis sem. Ut nec interdum orci. Curabitur maximus nunc non vulputate pulvinar. Morbi ex sem, sodales eget nisl eu, fermentum elementum lorem.

Praesent ut ligula ut felis mattis volutpat. In vestibulum condimentum mi. Aenean et augue et nunc aliquam porttitor. Curabitur sapien eros, pulvinar nec mauris ac, congue bibendum ante. Fusce bibendum lorem id cursus dictum. Sed vulputate scelerisque justo vel hendrerit. Ut lobortis leo est, sit amet ultricies lorem blandit non.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla efficitur ac eros vitae auctor. Donec rutrum volutpat mauris sit amet dapibus. Aenean a orci sagittis, imperdiet risus id, venenatis nunc. Phasellus pharetra facilisis sapien, vel ultrices ex rutrum ac.

Praesent ut ligula ut felis mattis volutpat. In vestibulum condimentum mi. Aenean et augue et nunc aliquam porttitor. Curabitur sapien eros, pulvinar nec mauris ac, congue bibendum ante. Fusce bibendum lorem id cursus dictum. Sed vulputate scelerisque justo vel hendrerit. Ut lobortis leo est, sit amet ultricies lorem blandit non.

World is dead
An urban purgatory

Comets frozen in time ever visible in the sky for as long as memories reach.

Stuck in an endless loop of rebirth, people here tend to treat death as an unpaid leave.


What is this world?
Betti's theory of the world

I think my thoughts of this world align with the most popular belief. These comets we see frozen in the sky, they were our doom, what the world saw before it's end. This is the purgatorium. It would explain why we cannot really die, why we continue to be reborn like some sort of a sick joke. We can't even have normal kids because they will sooner or later get back their memories. And let's be real - most people here are rotten so it's just not worth it. I mean some people lose their memories when they're reborn but it's like winning the lottery.

I'm pretty sure I have some memories of the world before but it's all a haze. My earliest clear memory is smashing skulls back in the chaos filled days. Not that I miss them, but some days are just too quiet nowadays. Also, don't ask Xera about her theory, she comes up with different bullshit each time.

Xera's theory of the world

You know how there's that meme that whenever an artist dies, god let's them paint the sky? Yeah so one dick just painted comets one day. Yeah that's it. Why do we get reborn? That's just how the world works, duh.

Earliest memory? No idea. I've been here for so long... My favourite one is meeting Betti. Never thought I'd be happy about a car crashing into me. My bike needed some majour repairs after that.

Brain is dead
D&D characters and others

My D&D characters as well as charaters that don't belong anywhere else.

Some of these might get a folder or join an existing one someday, or just stay in this limbo.