KermitTheII's Profile Comments

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*wipes tears away from eyes* I-It's beautiful...

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That does look like me, my broskie! This little Breadstick hasn't had many frogs in his day, but he's sure they're scrum-diddly-umptious! Or maybe that's what Obama's world simulation wants me to think. Anyway, the NSA is watching us, so I should probably end it here, my dawgy dawg!

[vapes with a cheeto-flavored vape-stick, as I hoverboard away]

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Visually, it looks stunning.

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OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG It's so cute! Thank you so much! I love it. <3

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oh my god this is a-meme-zing. thank you so much.

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welcome to you nerd

i can't believe this