Killasisa's Bulletins

Returning to TH

Posted 9 months, 5 days ago by Killasisa

I've been having some health issues and family problems that aggravated my mental health. I'm grateful for all the people who was patient with my artwork, I'm returning to my normal pace again.

Let me know if I'm forgoting to add a work on my list, here is my current commission list:


Apologies by my absence

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Killasisa

Hi everyone! I got disappeared from the last year leaving some commissions and art trades pendants, I have strong reasons to keep away of Toyhouse mostly for health problems.

I was struggling with oncologyc studies to determine the fate of my health. Thankfully isn't a too grave problem for now and I can return little by little to my commissions. If I'm forgoting of a work or request please let me know to add you to my pendant list.

I'll be contacting the users that I already have work in progress, thank you so much for read this.

I'll give my best!

Art Raffle!!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Killasisa