Kingpizzachan's Profile Comments

Omg image watch barie movies. Nya rawr

You are watching it with me you nerddd <3

Omg image watch barie movies. Nya rawr

<3 Best friend






GASPPPP, No you!

uno reverse

No u

me you

u me

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alrighty, thank you for letting me know : )

Hey, thank you so much for your art of Courage!! :D She looks adorable in your style!

you are welcome~ I'm glad you liked it :> 

psst. psst guess what

 youre a nerd


Uno reverse

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alrighy then. thanks so much

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nice~ cant wait to see it ^v^

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Ty for the art hehe

your welcome!

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Oh! thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it. They are super cute

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oh dear. I had swore i was already subbed. I keep forgetting that option exists xD thanks for reminding me~

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Oh no worries! : > I dont mind the wait

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Awww thanks so much ~<3
I do have customs open over on deviant art as Offer what you want. I usually accept 300+ points, art, Paypal (usd), customs, or characters. Though at the moment my slots are full. I can add you to the ping list though so you can be notified when they open again~ ^v^

As for Custom/design trade i do have a slot open for them. Is there any examples of any beans you have made before though?

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OO. Well i would love to do a custom trade with you if you so wished ^v^

You would just need to fill out this Form
Species: Regular skeleton, Animal skeleton, Naga skeleton, demon skeleton, ect
Mood board, 3 emojis, or Theme:
What i should avoid:
Anything in specific you would like: Accessories or ect

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Interesting. I have not done anything like them. but i sure will try!
Is there any specific form or such you would need me to fill out for mine?

4 Replies

Wanted to let you know that i finished my part of the trade ^v^

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Haha! yeah~ I'm not too used to it yet, even though I have had it for a bit now ^v^

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Thanks : > i hope so

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why hello there dad!