Kissezs's Bulletins


Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Kissezs

So my boyfriend was laid off from his job and I feel awful because we worked at the same job and not even three days before he was laid off he got a ticket for $294 dollars. I am BROKE atm and still have some bills to pay, but I really do want to help. I am selling this girl who i no longer use for $120

I also have a closed species in the works and am trying to get them poppin for sale here ! There prices range from $45-50 USD

If interested please DM or comment !

Character creations with friends !

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Kissezs

I wish I had more oc’s. I’ve been wanting to make some but work is quickly draining my inspiration. If anyone wanna make oc’s inspired by a headcannon or you'd like some family/friends for your pre-made OC I’m down! HOWEVER don’t be upset if I can’t make one with you. I cant make one for everybody unfortunately

RULES: *Anyone can join in ! (PEOPLE CLOSE TO OR AROUND MY AGE LIKE 21+ I'm sorry its not for anything r rated its just I'm more comfortable speaking to people my age OTL)

*DO NOT TRY TO PRESSURE\FORCE ME into making a character.

*I PREFER FEMALE OC’S (boys are hard for me to draw and I never come up with good outfits for them ugh🥺) however I do not object to making one. Who knows maybe I’ll have an extreme love for them !

*I will design my own character and you will design yours ! 🥰


--------------------------------------- Types of Ships I'm interested in ! THEY DO NOT HAVE TO NECESSARILY BE ROMANTIC !!

Opposites attract- Completely different personalities but like each other

Size difference -Tall men/short ladies ~ Tall Ladies/short ladies

Demon ✖️Angel/Deity✖️Human- Cuz why not ?

Mentor ✖️ Apprentice – minor age gaps always welcome, but must be legal ex: 18 & 21 (student x teacher especially)

Debt- Person owes the other (whether it be for saving life, ruining their material etc) but the other just eggs them on for their love

Childhood friends- grew up together can’t part with one another

Unrequited Love- The uninterested one finds the interested one annoying and dislikes them at first, but the more they hang around their genuinely like them

Hot ✖️average/outcast -maybe the model material girl/boy thinks the average one is cute though others think their average

Poor ✖️Rich- The wealthier one pampers the poor and loves the heck out of them no matter their status

Beauty and the Beast - a cold-hearted character falling for a super bubbly and kind character who eventually kinda starts to make the other a bit less cold

Arranged Marriage- they may not like each other at first but later on fall in love with one another !

Forbidden Love - Heirs who fall in love with non royal individuals!

Servant/Maid/Helper ✖️ Employer -where the person who works around the house falls for the person they are workin' for !

Hatemance/Frenemies - two people who always argue and nit pick each other but can't seem to be without each other and actually adore each other in secret as well~

Masochist and Sadist - But nothing TOO extreme omg

Nerd ✖️Popular- the popular one defends the nerd and end up truly liking them

Monster/Unnatural Being x Human - Quite simple but a monster that loves a human can be (vampire, werewolf, corpse etc)

Pop-star ✖️ Normy- maybe the normal one attendee their concert and immediately caught the pop stars eye ?

Resurrected/Reincarnation- Resurrected person that is brought back to life and falls in love with the one who resurrected them. Reincarnation- Person has lived for eons and finds a person who looks like a replica of their lost love.

Blind- individual is in love with person but person is blind and doesn’t know it


I will let this rack up a little in comments before I pick and I'll be Dm'ing you if interested <3


A little piece of Erakami's Backstory !

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kissezs

Heyooollo ! After maybe 2+ years of making my KNY Oc Erakami I FINALLY decided it was time you guys got a little snippet of her backstory ! I am still not too entirely sure if I'll stick with this backstory, but this is the overall general idea of what her upbringing would look like ! You can read it here!:

I will also be making literatures (chapters) for her as a way to kind of fill in gaps in her time-line ! Let me know if you have any characters you'd like me to throw in here ! You can make your own or if you already have multi-fandom or KNY Oc's that would be great as well. I may even make art of them together ! UWU

Bae UFS ;;

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Kissezs she is going for $170 ! All art included ! All i ask is you change her name !

Entertaining offers !

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by Kissezs

I feel bad. I haven’t really been able to draw much lately. My babies are rotting. I REALLY love them I do but they’re not getting Justice so I’m trying to get some entertaining offers just in case I do decide to depart with them in the future.

I know how much they are worth to me so please don’t get upset if I do not take up on your offers ! Like I said this is just to see how much time and money people are willing to put into my beloved characters !

You can look through them here !

I don’t have many. But the ones I do have are my prized collection!!