Kissezs's Bulletins

$50 adopts

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Kissezs

I’ve had these for way too long and decided to color them and sell them because of a predicament I’m in !

I like them I hope you like them too !

Library adopts for sell

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by Kissezs

Would anyone want these for $30.50 I designed them a while ago and forgot where I wanted to take the idea (I can color them for you for an extra fee depending on how you want them colored ex: painted, flat colored, shaded)

One 90s doll commission open

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago by Kissezs

I am currently in the hospital for a kidney infection. I’m in great pain but I figured I’d at least try to finish my commissions since there’s nothing better else to do. Luckily my grandma brought my iPad to me. But my phone will currently be going off soon and I need money to pay it so I can have a way of communicating while in here since they dont allow calls after certain times. Plus I want to keep using my phone hotspot since internet here sucks and upload commissions when done if I’m still not out in time.

So that being said I’ll open one slot since I’ve almost completed a previous one. The price is $75 (without background and objects and simple character.)
