Kitart15's Profile Comments

¡Hola! Estoy aquí para verificar que usted tiene una cuenta de OAC Amino, que es ¿Es eso correcto?

Si! Soy yo! Lamento la tardanza en contestar pero está es mi cuenta ^^

Hullo! I'm glad you're enjoying the characters you got from me. I'm still new to TH and haven't made a tos. I just wanted to say that you're free to resell/gift/redesign/do whatever you want with the characters. Have fun! :D

Thank you!,  I still have around 20 more characters from you that I have to upload so sorry for so many creation verifications heh

It's totally fine 👍👍

Howdy! This is Bee from 🔮 CAA 🔮, can you please confirm that this account is yours??

This is my account! Sorry for the late answer! Thanks