Kitsche's Bulletins


Posted 22 days, 4 hours ago by Kitsche

I'm not dead I promise.

I got plans. They're just.... slow to fruition. Also I learned HTML and CSS, anyone got some resources for coding TH stuff? I wanna try it out sometime :>


How do you guys stay so active? It's a superpower I swear.

Just Checking In I Guess?

Posted 7 months, 12 days ago by Kitsche

Hi everyone!

Not sure who even follows me at this point, I've not been on in so long (at least 4 months or so). Just wanted to chat for no reason, so how's everyone doing?

titles are hard to come up with

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kitsche

apologies for the mass-art post.

I just decided to post everything I had drawn in the past few months haha

Maybe in the future I'll do better about posting things as I draw them

Some Edits

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Kitsche

hey all, a few updates:

1. changed my username to Kitsche, so direct links to my profile will no longer work

2. cleaned up my folder system. Things were just so crazy haha

3. deleted a few sketches

4. updated my watermark so it's not as obnoxious. I'm not 100% happy with it but I'll fix it later

that's all~

Name change?

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago by Kitsche

Considering changing my name on here to Kitsche or Kitsche00, to match ArtFight? I wanted to change my username since the day I made it, since it's unoriginal and kinda hard to remember (I mean, how many Es are there, anyway?). If you have a strong preference, lemmie know, otherwise I'll prolly change it.