KittenHydra's Profile Comments

Thank you for the fave! ^w^

Hello! I was wondering if you do pings for characters? I’m very interested in some of the KirieyTsuki designs, I could do trades or money for them. If not then that’s totally fine, just wanted to ask:) 

I try to but I tend to forget. A couple of them were customs and probably won't be traded but I can try and remember 

That’s alright and thank you, I totally understand:) 

Thank you very much for the fav! ^_^

Thanks for the fav on V 🥰

Np! I wish I could get her but she's out of my range for now

that's understandable, I do offer payment plans if that interested you, at a minimum of $50 a month

Could you let me know if one of your Kiriey designs go up for offers? AAa, I'm just really interested in the ones you own   

Yeah I can try to remember!

I would like to let you know that I am putting this guy up for offer!

I will be picky with offer and I prefer humanoid ocs