🎈🎪 SHOP 🎪🎈

🎈🎪 SHOP 🎪🎈

Hello stranger!! Welcome to my shop! Here you can find a range of goodies, from custom designs to animated pieces!

Check the spoilered section below for my TOS! 


Contact me on discord for the fastest replies!
Toyhouse |  Instagram | Discord : KrispyCritter#8678

By commissioning me, you are stating that you have read and agreed to these terms.

Basic TOS :
- Paypal Only (USD)
- Payment is to be made within 48 hours of the sketch being agreed on
- Commissioner can upload the image with credits given to myself in the form of a link to my Toyhouse
- Artwork cannot be used commercially without being made clear and agreed to, or claimed as your own
- Refunds are given based on how much work is done. Read Section II for clarification
- My work CANNOT be used for AI Generators or NFTs

For a more in depth TOS, click the link here!