Digimon: Fight!

A big tech corporation has created a digital tamagotchi pet app with creatures called Digimon! It's become a huge sensation worldwide and people are completely enamored with their fictional pets. There are even large Olympic-like battle stadiums all over the world for competitions where you can fight with your Digimon as life-like holograms! Some even say they're in the beta stages of making holograms accessible to the public!

Unknowingly to the app users, however, Digimon are real creatures! By harnessing their strong emotions, some Digimon have been capable of materializing into the human world with (or sometimes without) a human partner. They’ve been remaining hidden from the public due to the unknown capabilities of the corporation and their ties to the app. Most unwilling to return to their own world for the fact that it’s become a lawless wasteland. It’s up to the few materialized Digimon and their partners to show the world the truth and bring the company to justice for enslaving Digimon and using them for human entertainment! But not everyone is so willing to help, and even have their own agenda with their Digimon.