
Everything up for here is for rehome!
Please check below to have more information!

1. If offering try to be exact especially when offering art.
2. For art I ask after a month and can extend the deadline, but if you ghost me then I'll see that you are no longer interested in.
3. Your offer will be deleted in 48hours if I haven't heard from you back, you also havr 48hours to pay.
4. I only do one trade at a time with the same person (For example I won't accept 3 different art offers for 3 different characters from you)
5. If you ghost me once, there is a good chance I decline your offer just because.

My priority:
- USD / $$$ (paypal)
- points
- character trades
- character customs
- art

Characters I won't accept:
- Freebies, especially without any added worth
- No closed species / open species
- fandoms
- characters with false / no credits or having art with  false / no credits (for example creator ??? or inactiveaccount)
- character with "can't be transferred for any reason"
- dollmaker / AI
- characters made on bases from problematic users (hydrabones, possxm due to personal experience and others)

Favorite designer:
- miloudee
- crxztal
- Zeroaliencat
- OrigamiOrange
- Nevermown
- Geekidog

Favorite designs (might change):
- Kobold
- Scenecore / Scenedogs
- Hydra / Cerberus
- Dragons
- Gryphons
- Ponies

But I can look at any offers, as long as it's not folders of full designs I wouldn't like (see rules above for that).

If I accept your offer, sent the character to you please accept it only if you also sent your character I'm a bit tired of being anxious if I get the character or not.

Thanks for reading!