LICHENPINE's Literatures

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
1 1248

The black birds don’t thin out as originally intended, Kirael notices. They pick at seeds in the grass- leaving black spots of movement as far as the eye can see. And this makes Kirael feel a bit better about them. She’s thankful that they instead watch the ground with those scrutinizing eyes in search of seeds rather than her possible motives. She decides they aren’t that bad after all.

Kirael and Sedna had disappeared into the forest. Sedna had had a good head start but Kirael was steadily gaining on her. Marras tried to make the run as easy as possible for her, dodging the low-hanging branches and everything as effectively as he could. But Sedna was older while Kirael was in top fit shape so soon they were running side by side.