6:47 Repentance

The Main Character!

The main character for this game concept! A bit of a Dante figure. You'll be following them through the hotel and learning about the characters alongside them. All characters have one of the 7 deadly sins attached to them, which brought them to the hotel in some way. The goal is not to cure or fix them, but to provide hope. Father Price is the one to really prompt Robin into exploring, even if they planned to in the first place.



20s~ . Nonbinary . Sacrifical Lamb

Robin is an aspiring journalist looking for their big break to get into the industry as more than just a page boy.

There's been stories about hotels, inns, and hostels that appear every few years and takes in people, then disappears with them.

Robin finds a hotel that matches these stories and takes a taxi there, becoming prey for the hotel too.

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Chapter 1

All the characters get paired up with someone with similar problems. Mrs. Wood and Nurse Larson are the newest additions to the hotel and the easiest problems to solve. Consider them the tutorial chapter, in a way. They're the most blatent horror, being more focused on gore and body horror specifically.


Mrs. Wood

30s~ . Female . Wrathful

Driven to the hotel through feeling unloved, she spends lots of time at the bar with a drink in her hand.

She wants to get away from it all. Her husband, the expectations put on her, the mirror of her parents she sees.

She's repeating a cycle and hurting the people she cares about in her life, isolating herself further.

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Nurse Larson

30s~ . Female . Lustful

Also found her way to the hotel, feeling unloved and stuck in a cycle, trying to find what she wants from others.

Larson struggles with her appearance, wanting to feel beautiful, be told she is, but she always feels hollow after the deal is done.

She doesn't feel that she has anyone, especially no one that doesn't want her for anything but her body.

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Chapter 2

Robin has a more solid grasp on how to help people now and is understanding how the house works. Every character can be talked to before their chapter, since they work on a schedule and can wander the house. This section will have more eye related horror, topics of addiction, but probably body horror again.



30s~ . Male . Gluttonous

A salesman with a hoarding problem, and also a bit of a kleptomaniac. He also hates his job.

Glen is incredibly insecure and kisses up to just about anyone he comes across, hanging off their every word.

He's very aware he needs help, but he's too afraid he'll lose everything and everyone.

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40s~ . Male . Slothful

A politician that also hates his job. He never wanted this job and lacks motivation.

He can already be found asleep in random places, sometimes from drinking too much. He's not always there in the head.

He doesn't feel he can quit either, but he can't find the drive to keep going. Stephen feels stuck in a hell of his own making.

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Chapter 3

Some of the most unwilling characters to talk to Robin finally hit their breaking point. Robin is losing more and more of their memory by now, but is pushing on.



30s~ . Transwoman . Greedy

A lawyer under the idea that money buys happiness, only taking clients with lots of cash.

Gwen has isolated herself from most of the guests and is never seen not looking her best, or with expensive jewelry.

She's used to circles that only value the price tag, not the person. She becomes more spiteful seeing everyone find hope.

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30s~ . Transman . Envious

A failing author drowning in his lack of motivation and writing only for the numbers.

He's furious seeing the success of everyone, finally blowing up enough to leave the room he rarely leaves.

He feels like a sham, an imposter, and he's incredibly unhappy with his work.

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Robin and Father Price's chapter, along with Auntie. Auntie and Price are the most present characters in the game and have been there the longest and are most familiar with the house. Price is almost a secondary main character, but much more now as Robin has lost much of their memory. This section is a calm horror, much more psychological and with heavy religious themes.


Father Price

50s~ . Male . Prideful

A constant figure, seeing himself as the shepard and Robin as the lamb, calling them his apprentice in salvation.

He's never really helped anyone find peace at his own church and rules over it with an iron fist, as if god speaks to him personally.

He's bitter and occasionally leads away the others from what they need; human connection, that he also needs, but is too full of himself.

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??? . Female . Generous

Just a humble hotel owner.

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