Lairfite's Bulletins

Commission info 2022

Posted 2 years, 19 days ago by Lairfite

Hello! I'm currently in need of some extra money.

I  am unable to get a job because of anxiety and mental health,
I'm  getting help but I'm still too unstable for anything like that.
Eg.  new situations or making/risk of making the tiniest mistake can make me  
break down with pretty much a panic attack which is very exhausting and  embarrassing.

I've been able to move into another house  that my parents own, to learn to live 
on my own and deal with my mental  health without the pressure of my family.

I don't have to  pay any rent but I have to take care of stuff like food, household  necessities, internet, 
clothes etc on my own, this is why I'm opening  commissions again.
Moving out for the first time is so expensive ;-;
