DoT Lancelle

Decay of Terra Lancelle

Kyze wakes up to wide open plains, although he doesn't remember traveling to this place. With nothing but the clothes on his back and his lance (actually a spear but shhhh) he begins exploring. He ends up saving a village from a monster, thinking he was an adventurer they paid him in thanks and after learning he was lost showed him the way to the nearby trade-city Utaja. After reaching the city and asking around, Kyze realized that it wasn't simply the landscape that was unfamiliar, but the world itself was not his own, the residents didn't even recognize the name of the Terra he was from. Seeing his unexpected arrival to Terra Lancelle as a new chapter in his life, Kyze was thankful to move forward believing he could finally leave behind the darkness of his past.

humanoid artfight feral lessn10pics 9 11 7 alt form 5 8 secondary 4 dragon need art demon primary decay of terra protagonist fave2 12