DoT Zhazrin

ZZ is just a placeholder until I figure out what I want to call the dying terra/world in question within the story.

Calling the Story "Decay of Terra Zhazrin", I wanted to keep the Zz abrevation. DotZz

While walking through a park on her way home from classes one evening, Kayla comes across a glowing blue light. As a fan of fantasy media, Kayla doesn't hesitate to step into it, and finds herself in an unfamiliar landscape. She comes across a village, and a kind family takes her in. Several months pass and a true dragon who happened to be traveling through the area, causing the villagers to panic claiming the beast demanded a sacrifice. The village in its remote location had little knowledge of dragons and feared them, although no one wanted to sacrifice one of their own. kayla was well aware that she, as an outsider, was most of the villagers top choice as a sacrifice. Figuring she might as well go out with a bang, she volunteers herself. When she meets the great dragon the villagers feared, Avene, he was not what she was expecting. When she learns the villagers made up the bit about a sacrifice, Kayla is honestly somewhat disappointed since she had worked herself up over it. She demands that he at least allows her to join him in his travels. Avene says he doesn't really care what she does, and so she travels through Terra Zhazrin in the company of Avene (and Xin).