Hero is a Half Demon

Shortly after receiving the title of Hero and getting sent on a quest to defeat the demon king, Able learns from his mother that he is a half-demon. Originally determined to fufill his role, he doesn't know what to do now. To continue his quest, but risk being persecuted later if the humans learn of his demon heritage, or try to make peace with the demons after he's already killed so many of them. For now he continues his quest, trying to shed as little demon blood as possible while he tries to sort out his feelings.

humanoid artfight feral lessn10pics 9 11 7 alt form 5 8 secondary 4 dragon primary need art demon protagonist fave2 decay of terra 12 white and silver 6 green wings cryptids top fave tertiary red blue grumpycat pu1 100 elf god trick tears researchers coollion blood dark space canine Ffalan brownnblack treat horse blondengold sky mirror Decay of Terra Decay of Terra Hvara purple royalty humal heir 12 deep sea goddess immortal Terra halfbeast humonoid angel 12 guardian World want art Needs Art centaur Fave2 Fearoc Tertiary demoi fox